Reserve Your Space at the Book Sale Table

Reserve your space at our book sale table using the PayPal form here:

Book Sale Options
Your Name
Preferred Email Address

Once you’ve completed your purchase, please review the details and provide your book information on this form.

(Note: If you do not know for sure which titles you are bringing or sale price; you may complete this form later; the deadline is July 23.)



Book Quantities: You may bring as many books as you like; we recommend 10-15.

Arrival: Please check in/drop your books off to the book sale table between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Friday, as the book sale table opens in time for the reception (possibly earlier); if you’re arriving later than that, please bring them by Saturday morning.

Departure: Please stop by desk to collect any remaining copies of your book(s) by 5 p.m. Sunday. If for some reason you do not take your books with you, we can arrange to ship them back to you at your expense within 14 days of the end of the conference.

Payment: We will issue payment to you within seven business days of the conference; credit card fees will be deducted for payments made via that method. (On the book sale form, you can choose PayPal or check.)

Contact: Our Book Sale manager is D. Louise Mervine; she’ll be in touch with all attendees who’ve signed up as we get closer.

Also, please note that the book store staff will be in charge of merchandising the table; attendees will not place their own books, and we trust that attendees will not move their own books once they’re set up.