All Levels/NA Live (Writing Life)

Creative Survival Handbooks for Writers (pre-conference workshop)

Heritage D August 23, 2019 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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Rae Pagliarulo

When we’re juggling careers, families, and other mounting obligations along with our writing lives, how can we as creative people take care of ourselves and stay motivated? In this workshop, we will brainstorm different creative survival and self-care techniques that are low-barrier and highly effective, and create accordion-style “creative survival” handbooks to remind ourselves of what’s really important. This method will allow writers to tap into the visual and verbal facets of their creativity, identify tips and tricks to help us get unstuck, and focus on self-care and survival habits that will keep us moving towards our dreams and goals.


(Extra registration required: $65; workshop includes a 15-minute snack break and will wrap up in time to allow you to grab lunch before orientation at 3:15.)